30 Day Bookstagram Challenge!

April will soon be upon us, and with it, the hope of summer and vaccinations. What better way to pass the time, then with a bookstagram challenge? The rules are simple: take a picture of a book that fits the prompt each day for thirty days. Don’t feel like doing it now, or finding out… Continue reading 30 Day Bookstagram Challenge!

Morning Routine Week 3: The One

Welcome to week three of my little experiment of one. I figured out last week that reserving time for “fun activities” wasn’t in my best interest, so I was much more excited for this one. My routine looked like this: 6:55 Wake-up7:00 Make lemon water, feed cats, drink water while tea was brewing7:10 Once the… Continue reading Morning Routine Week 3: The One

Morning Routine Week 2: Smells Like {My} Spirit

The week’s focus in the morning routine was spiritual things, such as mediation, gratitude, and setting time aside for things I enjoy. I was looking forward to reading, or doing puzzles in the morning before work, as a way to reset for the day. My morning routine was similar to last week’s, with some minor changes: … Continue reading Morning Routine Week 2: Smells Like {My} Spirit

March Morning Routine Week 1: Let’s Get Physical {Well-Being}

This morning I completed the first full week of my morning routine! I reworked the routine after it felt disjointed on Monday, and did this for the rest of the week: 6:55 Wake-up7:00 Bathroom time: wash face, brush hair, etc.7:10 Make & drink lemon water, feed cats7:20 Meditate7:30 Yoga for 10/15 minutes7:45 Make tea &… Continue reading March Morning Routine Week 1: Let’s Get Physical {Well-Being}