Blood Thinners

This eARC was provided by the author for my honest review. This does not affect my opinions of the book nor the content of my review. For more information on ARCs, click here.

Blood Thinners
Love Me Dead Book #1
Heather Novak
Format: Kindle ARC
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: 5_star_transparency 5 Stars – “All-Time Favorite”
Cry Meter: 1tears 1 Tear – “Teared Up”
Content Warnings: Consensual sex scenes, corporate malpractice/endangerment
Available on: April 4th, 2022

Fresh off a four month break from work, supernatural agent Mina Summers is handed a new case, instead of the promotion she expected. At least she’s working the case with her steady partner, Jake. As the two go undercover in the world of Thinners, a weight loss company possibly dipping their toes into the supernatural, Mina finds more than she bargained for. When the owner’s daughter, Carma Nicks, walks into the room and locks eyes with Mina, she knows she’s doomed; Mina can’t both fall in love with a mark and get the promotion she so desperately wants. What is going on at Thinners – and what road will Mina decide to take?

Blood Thinners takes place in a world that features uninformed humans alongside supernatural creatures of all stripes, including vampires, werewolves, and creatures that have not yet been thought of yet. This world could easily be our world, especially with rich details that the author sprinkles through-out. I immediately fell in love with the cats in the story, and even small details as Mina’s favorite band were woven into the story, which really made the world come alive. Like the real world, this story does have some spicy sex scenes, celebrating both lesbian and bisexual sexuality along the way. Like most good romance novels, this is a light-hearted read, and I laughed out loud plenty of times (although if you’re like me, the story will make you cry, too).

Populating the world were an amazing cast of characters. Mina was head-over-heels in love while simultaneously trying to figure out what to do about her life-long dream; I will have the phrase “it’s okay to change your dreams” permanently etched in my heart after reading this book. Although I loved Mina, I was shocked about just how quickly she fell for Carma; simply by looking at a picture of her she got weak in the knees. Maybe it’s just my cynicism, but I don’t feel as though that’s realistic? No matter how it started, I ended up rooting for Mina and Carma as the story progressed, even shedding a few tears near the end. In addition to the main duo, Mina’s strong friendship (but nothing more) with Jake was super refreshing; I love seeing books that feature two people who clearly love each other in a non-romantic way. (As a plus, Jake is the subject of the second book in the series, and I can’t wait to return to see him find love too!) In addition, there is a cast of ghosts that instantly stole my heart, not to mention the sweater-wearing demon who is determined to show not all demons are bad.

While this story is primarily a romance, there was the added mystery of what exactly was happening at Thinners. I don’t typically read a ton of romance, but I have a soft spot for any mysteries that make their way to my (virtual) bookshelf. In that aspect, I was a bit disappointed, since I predicted what was happening quite early on (although it is a quite clever solution). I do appreciate that the author left breadcrumbs for the reader to follow, but they were less like breadcrumbs and more like a giant neon sign screaming the solution. That being said, I was quite surprised at the ending twist, which made me even more excited to pick up the next book. As this is marketed primarily as a romance, I’m not taking any stars away from it, but if you’re trying to read it for the mystery aspect alone you’ll likely be disappointed.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I breezed through it in less than 24 hours, which is virtually unheard for me – that is how un-put-downable it is! I’d highly recommend it for fans of One Last Stop; just like Casey McQuiston’s novel, this book is a heart-warming story with some magical elements, some spicy sex scenes, and moments that will make you both laugh and cry – not to mention that it’s also a woman/woman romance pairing. This story would make a fantastic beach read, if you should find yourself in need of one!

1 thought on “Blood Thinners”

  1. […] Overall, I highly enjoyed this book. If you’ve read the other two, this is sure to be a satisfying conclusion to the series. And if you love fantasy romance – the entire series will be published in the next few weeks, so there’s no better time to start reading the first book (you can see my review on Blood Thinners, here.) […]


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